Year 8 Maths

Oguzhan Yilmaz

Term One has been really busy and it has been exciting to meet my new students. Thus far, 8B have been settling in well and have adapted to the workload.

Throughout Term One we will be covering Chapter One – Integers and Chapter Two – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Students have also been given a project that requires them to use Microsoft Excel to explore different fraction types, including their decimal and percentage equivalents. This is important because it teaches students how the use of Microsoft Excel can be utilised to present information and make calculations, which is an important life skill in most work spaces.

I want to also remind parents that as a school we have reintroduced the DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) program. After recess, students are expected to come to class with a novel of their interest and read for 15 minutes. It is significant for our students to develop the habit of reading since it can assist with developing their vocabulary and literacy skills.

If parents have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Mr Oguzhan Yilmaz